Weed Management


CA: At least five days before planting, apply 1 kg active ingredient (a.i.) Glyphosate ha–1 using 320–400 L ha–1 of water with a three-nozzle flat-fan spray boom. 0.15–0.2 kg urea ha–1 should be placed in the sprayer tank with water and glyphosate. Within two days after seeding, weeds will be further controlled through a pre-emergent application of Pendimethalin at a rate of 1 kg a.i. ha–1 using 320–400 L of water with a three-nozzle flat-fan spray boom. Herbicides will be more effective if soils are slightly moist. Therefore, if rainfall occurs during this time, apply immediately after. Otherwise, do not exceed the two-day post-seeding time window. If any weeds are encountered after the above steps, they are to be removed by uprooting them (through vertical pulling). The soil is not to be turned over during manual weeding.

Conventional:   Weeds are controlled by mechanical tillage only. Weeds are to be controlled during earthing up and by subsequent hand weeding where necessary. Make sure weeding is done before fertilizers are applied.


CA:At least five days before seeding, apply 1 kg active ingredient (a.i.) Glyphosate ha–1 using 320–400 L ha–1 of water with a three-nozzle flat-fan spray boom. 0.15–0.2 kg urea ha–1  should be placed in the sprayer tank with water and glyphosate. If any weeds are encountered, they are to be removed by uprooting them (through vertical pulling). The soil is not to be turned over during manual weeding.

Conventional: Weeds are controlled by mechanical tillage only. If any weeds are encountered, they are to be removed by manual weeding.

Boro crop management guidelines

Weed management guides

CA: At least five days before planting, apply 1 kg active ingredient (a.i.) Glyphosate ha–1 using 320–400 L ha–1 of water with a three-nozzle flat-fan spray boom. 0.15–0.2 kg urea ha–1 should be placed in the sprayer tank with water and glyphosate. After transplanting, apply Pretilachor at a rate of 500 g active ingredient in 400 L of water per hectare 1-3 days after transplanting. If any weeds are encountered after the above steps, they are to be removed by uprooting them (through vertical pulling). The soil is not to be turned over during manual weeding.

Conventional: Weeds will be controlled by puddling. After transplanting, apply Pretilachlor at a rate of 500 g active ingredient in 400 L of water per hectare 1-3 days after transplanting. If any weeds are encountered after the above steps, they are to be removed by manual weeding


CA: At least five days before planting, apply 1 kg active ingredient (a.i.) Glyphosate ha–1 using 320–400 L ha–1 of water with a three-nozzle flat-fan spray boom. 0.15–0.2 kg urea ha–1 should be placed in the sprayer tank with water and glyphosate. After transplanting, apply Pretilachor at a rate of 500 g active ingredient in 400 L of water per hectare 1-3 days after transplanting. If any weeds are encountered after the above steps, they are to be removed by uprooting them (through vertical pulling). The soil is not to be turned over during manual weeding.

Conventional: Weeds will be controlled by puddling. After transplanting, apply Pretilachor at a rate of 500 g active ingredient in 400 L of water per hectare 1-3 days after transplanting. If any weeds are encountered after the above steps, they are to be removed by manual weeding.
