Conservation agriculture (CA) is a tool of sustainable agriculture utilized in many countries. Sustainable agriculture has different dimensions among which the most important ones are environmental, social, economic, and institutional. Long-term tillage system and site-specific crop management can affect changes in soil properties and processes, so there is a critical need for a better and comprehensive process-level understanding of differential effects of tillage systems and crop management on the direction and magnitude of changes in crop yield, soil carbon storage, and other soil properties. Therefore, the study has been undertaken to evaluate the long term effect of conservation agriculture and conventional tillage on crop yield and soil properties for different cropping system and tillage method. The long term conservation agriculture trials were conducted at CA park established at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur during 2020-21. The maize and mungbean experiments were conducted with four tillage methods such as T1= Conventional; T2= Strip tillage; T3= Zero tillage and T4= Bed planting. Rice experiment was conducted with the tillage methods as T1= Manual transplanted in conventional tilled soil; T2= Mechanical transplanted in conventional tilled soil; T3= Manual transplanted in unpuddled soil and T4= Mechanical transplanted in unpuddled soil. The long term CA trials were initiated. Different facilities were created in CA park for long term experiments. The yield of maize, mungbean and Aus rice were not varied with the treatments since advantage of CA could not achieved in absence of residue. About 0.65 ha of mungbean was planted by BARI seeder at Mundopasha, Wazipur, Barishal and 4.70 ha mungbean was planted at Holdibaria, Kolapara, Patuakhali. Significantly the highest yield of mungbean was obtained from strip, zero and conventional tillage methods both in Barishal and Patuakhali. About 2.60 ha of jute was planted by BARI seeder at Dumuria, Khulna and Jute is now in growing stage. The experiments will be continued in the next year to impose the residue treatments and to observe the impact in the long run.

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